I have a question just for you.
Are you one of those people who get up early in the morning, all fired up to start your day with a Bang! Arriving at work cheerful and greeting every single soul with a thunderous GOOD MORNING!!
Then you proceed to your personally assigned space in the corner of the building, feeling happy, territorial and anxious to just jump in your inbox with both feet. You've got papers coming in and papers flying out, you're on a roll. Suddenly, you start to hear rumblings and strange noises, that sounds like the rush of a mighty wind in the pit of your gut. You fight it off and in the far off distance, some slacker mentions lunch, but of course you ignore them and respectfully decline, because the last thing on your mind, is stopping to feed those hideous demons who are at war in your stomach. Everyone including yourself knows, that skipping meals can be hazardous to your overall health. Besides, you've already had 5 cups of good ole 100% addicting caffeine, who needs to stop and get more ENERGY. Plus, if by chance you acquire a health problem from it, one can always visit their doctor who will be glad to prescribe one of those FDA approved drugs.
Thank God, we have more options.
If you are looking to recharge your body and mind with a boost of sustained energy, that features a proprietary blend of antioxidants and formulated with the Brazilian super fruit ACAI, that's taste great, increases performance and concentration levels without the high sugar stimulant crashes, you and thousands of others who already drink my favorite purple juice are among the very fortunate.
Coming soon this summer, is a 100% natural ENERGY source drink that's healthy, 80% fruit juice, in a per 8.4 oz. can with:
No preservatives
No artificial flavors
No artificial sweeteners
No artificial colors
Now that's what I'm talkin' about!!!
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