Well its that time of the year again, when every single one of those little or big, round or square, hot and steaming gadgets come out to play. The result of using one of these incredible and helpful inventions, will satisfy and bring even the pickiest eaters to their knees. I'm talking about the grill masters, those unique and skillful people who enjoy cooking in and over, bonfire's, open pits, charcoal, electric, gas, and propane.
You may have to get off the couch and out of the house, to go catch it and or kill it, but by golly if and when you do .. you can cook it and then you get to eat it. Or you can do what I'm going to do and go down to your nearest Publix supermarket and buy it, and then cook it.
It's called Time Management!!
When I decide that I want meat, I go for steaks. Not just any ole steak, I go for the biggest, tastiest rib eye, T-Bone (aka Porterhouse), I can get. Money is no option with me when it comes to food. Its about quality, quality, quality.
Once I get it home, I get to know that lovely piece of goodness in a nurturing and pampering fashion. Do not confuse this vital process with those who "play with their food", its not the same thing. Besides its my steak.
Now where was I... Oh, so as I was saying, I start with a little steak shower, by rinsing it off under a mild stream of cool sink water (steaks love it). Then I pat it dry with a 2 ply paper towel. After letting it rest for a spell, I pull out all my favorite spices and seasons and sprinkle them all over the steak (making sure to turn it over on the other side too). The steak really appreciates it when you gently rub all the spices in. It just seems to go, ahhhhhhh.
Next, you need to consider a liquid marinade of your choice, to bring everything together and then finally, slowly s-l-i-d-e your incredible creation, into a storage bag and put it to bed for the next 1 to 2 days to hibernate, in the refrigerator.
Finally, its judgement day. Take the rested, well marinated steak, out of the frig and set it on the counter to reach room temperature. In the meantime, you should be starting on all the additional side fixings. Hopefully, you already know and have decided on your desired cooking method, because there's some additional preparations to be done for that too, but that's another day and different blog title.
This weekend, I'm going the charcoal route. I love the flavor results and although its a little more work involved, it definitely works for me. After the coals are ashed over, I place my hand over the grill and count a few Mississippi's. This is a great way to determine the heat and temperature of the grill. It needs to be somewhat HOT, perhaps equivalent to medium high, so the counting will be short lived.
Place the steak(s) on the grill, and cook for about 4-6 minutes (depending on your preference of when its done). You can also pour any left over marinade on the steaks as they grill.
Be careful of the possible FLARE-UPS.
Turn the steaks and continue grilling to your desired preference.
Ring the bell... Ding, Ding, It's Time to EAT!!!!
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