Last night, we were invited guest to one of the most amazing events that will stay with me for a very very long time. Actually, I probably should give more expressive power to a word, I used in the previous sentence. For you see my friends, it was not just any old "event". The experience was more than that. The experience last night was more reflective of a term I believe, would be more defined, to me as a 'Life Changing" event.
Last night, an incredible couple, who's first names are Happy and Elyse, celebrated 30 years of marriage to each other. Some might say, "that's nice" or "Really" or "WOW!", but even those terms won't give justice to the heart felt feelings of LOVE, that permeated that romantic and elegantly decorated banquet hall.
I have only known this couple for a short time. Although, I must admit that I would have loved the opportunity to have known them sooner. They are a very loving couple, who observably are very wealthy in the respect that, they are not over concerned with placing the focus or spotlight on themselves alone. I believe they are in touch with what it means to share. Its very apparent that they are deeply focused and immersed in the fact that they truly love each other unconditionally. Then they take it a step further and they spread their magical wealth to all of the members of their family, as well as their friends too.
Obviously, they deserve and should be commended for these attributes, because it's also vividly displayed in the personalities and actions of their children as well. When people use the expression, "The nut doesn't fall far from the tree". I see and understand exactly what that expression means, especially when you watch their children interact with people around them. I guess we can agree that, being a good example, really does pay off.
I first met Happy and Elyse, through two of my family members, Cheryle and Barclay, who rarely if ever, hosts a social gathering at their home without them being in attendance. Thank You, guys.
Personally, I'd like to think of myself as just a person who loves people. Although, my friends have sometimes classified me as a social butterfly. All of these statements are true and are definitely rooted in my passion, to just observe other people being themselves. I love watching the interaction between others and the methods they use, whether its verbal or non verbal. I especially focus in on the techniques they use when problem solving, or how they seem to navigate when filtering through some of the challenges faced in this life. So it would be factual to say, that last night I was very much in my comfort zone, observing this wonderful couple.
A RELATIONSHIP is defined as an emotional connection and mutual dealings between people; PASSION is defined as having an intense emotion for..; and LOVE is defined as having a strong positive emotion for.., so if I had the pleasure of rewriting the dictionary, I would appropriately place a picture of Happy and Elyse right next to these words. PERIOD!!
This life has so many snares, twist and turns, its amazing to me they are still very much in LOVE and even still TOGETHER. There are so many ungrateful people around us, who take all of life blessings for granted. Those are the people who have accepted the term "fall" in Love, without gaining its full meaning. Their expressed Love for each one another is sometimes regrettably surface oriented, which will never stand the test of time. I'm not an expert or the Love Doctor on this topic, but it seems to me if examined closely, it stands to reason why so many who "fall" in Love, can easily "fall" out of Love. I believe it takes much more than just "falling", it takes one to GROW in Love. I think this is exhibited in the marital life of this special couple and what they've accomplished together.
If you asked them, they would probably tell you that they've spent their efforts; commitment; and joy together in the JOURNEY and not just in the mere DESTINATION. They didn't quit.
So many people today give up as fast as they begin. In other words, they quit at any and everything they do. They quit their jobs, their relationships, and some even quit on themselves. They want it right now, and they could care less about earning it. Many people start, but few people finish.
I know Happy and Elyse are not perfect people, nor would they have you to believe that they are either. So... If any of you, are fortunate enough to have family; friends or acquaintances, who resemble this couple in anyway, please be very very thankful for this God sent blessing, and then I suggest you begin to enrich your own relationships with one another, by merely sitting back and observing their commitment to unconditional LOVE.
Congratulations!! Happy and Elyse
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