Today, at this very moment is one of those phenomenas that will create new visions, dreams, desires, opportunities and memorable experiences.
It has been stated that, "Today is truly a GIFT and that's why it is known as, The Present".
Its interesting that some of us fail to understand or relish in this fact. It's as if the mere vocalization of the word TODAY transforms itself into something evil, a myth or an untruth being offered as punishment for just existing. Make no mistake life as we know it is quite temporary. Just as a day begins..., at some point it does end. The resulting punishment may reside in our ignorance, of not taking full advantage of the precious moments every sunrise we experience brings.
There have been an ocean full of atrocities, adversities, social and economic injustice', cast on mankind, but what if anything did we personally do, to change the outcome of these imposed negatives to make them result in positives ?
Have you ever been in the company of people who just complain about everything?
Some may complain about not having more money, respect, attention or love. They shout out into this worlds abyss that.., more is better!
Yet all the atrocities and indifferences linger and continue to thrive amongst us.
Well..... more attention hasn't stopped it, more money couldn't stop it and more respect didn't stop it.
Perhaps MORE LOVE is truly the resolve we ultimately need and should passionately seek.
TODAY... this very day, which of course could be our last is truly to each recipient, a precious GIFT.
Participation in it requires an unconditional expression of praise and devotion to the one true giver of this Present.
Only then.. this very moment.. this Today, can you treasure these uttered words.... It's All Mine and I accept It!!
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