Usually, for many the favorite Halloween color represented is your basic orange and black combination. Additionally, the event is largely associated with the use of symbolic images like, jack-o-lanterns, witches, scary stories etc.
It may sounds like a lot of fun, but it's not necessarily fun for everyone. There are some religious skeptics who have voiced serious concerns over the years, due to their belief that Halloween, is in direct conflict with their specific faith teachings. They believe that any association with Halloween has become less about fun and celebration, but more about Satan and demon worshipping. Ouch!

The next big question or complaint about Halloween is at what age should one stop trick or treating? ummm.
This situation is one that probably is no big deal, but there have been times when I've responded to my front door expecting little cute and adorable youngesters, dressed in angel; spounge bob; batman; whinny the pooh; and spiderman get ups. Each and every one of them, tiny little people, with cute tiny little voices attempting to articlulate, those famous 3 words... TRICK or TREAT. . Wonderful Right?.... Wrong!! 
After a few of those incidents, I now never let them reach into the goody tray anymore. Ha,Ha, Ha.....
Thank Goodness, there are lots of other options available to attract those older Halloweener's, who wish to celebrate this event. One of the options is to do what I'm doing and just pass out treats and call it a night.
They could actively and safely participate or sponsor Halloween parties involving their age related peers. ummm. Ok, that's all I've got for now. Looking forward to hearing from or seeing you all on the 31st.
Happy Halloween or should I say... TRICK or TREAT!
Lol!! Count me in as one of the kids that are "too old" to trick or treat. But it's fun to dress up and get candy. But I guess you're right, there needs to be an age limit. Cute post!